Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dear Students...

Dear Students of My Morning Math Classes:

Hi! My name is Matthew and I will be teaching you First Year Math / Math 6 / Pre-Algebra / Jacobs Experience. The document that you hold in your hand is your very first assignment and I’m so excited to share it with you that I’m going to waste no time with small talk!

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. We’re going to test out this theory here at the beginning of class.

Your assignment is to choose one, yes ONE, picture from your summer that represents either WHO you are or HOW you spent your summer. The sky is the limit on this one; but pick carefully! First things first, choose a title for your picture. Then, I would like you to compose a caption that describes the picture and how it relates to you, your summer, AND how you are thinking and about your upcoming year in math. But keep your caption short… maybe a paragraph. Remember, the picture is the focus of this assignment.

You may choose to include an original picture that has been pasted onto a piece of paper or a picture that you print off from your computer. The picture does not necessarily have to be one you took—if you have any worries about this, please ask. One reminder is that I will hold on to these pictures for awhile… so pick a picture that you can live without for a little while. ☺

The best part?! I will respond individually to all of your captions within the next week (once I get your pictures and have a chance to sit down and look at them).

I’ve also given you my version of completing this assignment as an example for you to consider.

Enjoy the process of completing this assignment! And, as with your materials, this assignment is Due Friday, September 5.

Much love and light--