Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh where, oh where has Matthew been?

You may (or may not!) have been wondering about my whereabouts considering my lack of posting on the blog. :)

Last week was an incredibly full week--just beside myself busy. You all know how that feels!

And to add to the mayhem, I was away at the North Carolina Educational Technology Conference in Greensboro on Wednesday and Thursday. I cannot express to you what an amazing conference this is... you'll have to check out their website and read some of the session descriptions. This trimester I am actually considered as part of the "admin" staff in the middle school--and my focus is technology. I am blessed with the gift of time in the afternoons to learn about and offer workshops for other middle school staff members on technology. This conference was a way for me to keep my thumb on the pulse of what's happening. The newest buzz in the educational technology world? GoogleDocs. :) You should check it out if you've got some time.

Anyways, last week your children worked heavily on multiplying fractions... in every which way you could imagine!  They even tackled some new kinds of problems with Lisa Ray, parent of a CFS students, while I was at the conference. Lisa helped introduce the kids to having to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions when they need to multiplied.  Exciting stuff!

This week will see a move to dividing fractions... as soon as we're a bit more comfortable with multiplying.  Maybe a quiz before break?  Not sure... we'll have to see...

Whew! Enjoy and have a lovely evening!